Unforgettable Coatings Giving Back To The Community

Living Our Core Values During a Pandemic

By September 16, 2020 No Comments
Cory Summerhays of Unforgettable Coatings Serves His Local Community

When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out

no one knew what was going to happen next. At the time, the team at Unforgettable Coatings faced many decisions. One of the biggest was whether we let go of some of our workforces to offset the decreased revenue we expected in the coming weeks or form another strategy.

Our management team got together and proposed the strategy. Instead of letting go of employees until more jobs filled our roster, everyone in the company decided to take a pay cut for 60 days, including upper-level positions. We all decided to sacrifice a little for the good of everyone. That choice, along with the rest of our pandemic experience, gave the entire UCI team a chance to put our mission and core values to work.

Our mission is:

To serve and inspire all those we encounter along our path, a path that will be Built and Coated by great people doing great things.

We believe in giving both our clients and our employees an unforgettable experience. In fact, we’ve found that the more we practice our core values of compassion, gratitude, and trust within the company, the better our employees treat our clients. Everybody wins.

You can see how this moment impacted our team by watching the video below:

Cory Summerhays and The Leadership Team Take Action

Shortly after taking a pay cut, Cory Summerhays, Owner of UCI, sent a video showing cars lined up at the Food Bank. The clip quickly spread amongst the management team and inspired us to do something about it. Although none of us knew our future as a company, we decided to give back by handing out gift cards to those in line at the food bank. This gift was our way of showing people that they matter and that even in difficult times, we saw them.

Our team got together on the day of handing out the gift card to outline the plane. Not only did our team hand out the gift cards, but we filled up gas tanks down the street. Perhaps the most important focus of that day was making sure everyone felt our gratitude and compassion. Afterward, we met as a team and went over what happened. You can receive a first-hand account from some of our employees by watching the video below:

Once the day finished, Cory and the rest of the management team explained our next move. The following day, each of our 80 employees would receive a $150 gift card to hand out to the family of their choice for groceries. That day started early once again, with everyone in as high spirits as the day before. Many of our team members even brought their families along to join in on the fun.

Take a look at that day’s events by watching the video below:

These two events truly impacted everyone involved. Not only were the families happy for the gifts, but our employees were grateful to be part of the giving back process. Some of our employees even told us that this was their first time doing anything like this, but it wouldn’t be their last.

All in all, these two days and the entire pandemic experience has given UCI a moment to understand the purpose of our mission truly. Despite the challenges, our entire team is thriving. Much of the reason lies in our decision to come together to stand up for our company and our community.

To this day, we are working together to overcome difficulties rather than taking a self-serving approach. Our company continues to reap the benefits of serving those around us. Now, our team understands the importance of our core values. It is important to focus on trust, gratitude, and compassion now and forever.

You can learn more of our takeaways by watching the video below:

If you are interested in learning more about our mission or our roof coating systems, contact the Unforgettable Coatings customer service team today.

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